Supermarket Chains Transport Services
We provide refrigerated transport solutions to supermarket chains, from the manufacturers, distributors, food processors and factories, using the most efficient routes to distributed in the designated timeframe and under the specified cold chain conditions.
Cold Refrigerated Service to Supermarket Chains
Leon Transport trusted fleet acts as the distribution arm for a number of food processors, manufacturers, distributors and agents to ensure that products are transported, stored and distributed in the designated timeframe and under the specified cold chain conditions and in keeping with Safe Food NSW guidelines. We can manage your supply chain and become an integral part of your success. We utilise the latest routing technology and our own vast industry experience to meet your needs

Always at your service
We will truly appreciate your business and the confidence you will place in us. We will work hard to provide you with the best possible service in the future and we hope to have the pleasure of doing business with you for many years to come.